Thomas (Tommy) Seales is the Mechanical Seal Division Product Manager for SealingEquipment Products Company (SEPCO). He is primarily responsible for managing theengineering department and overseeing new product development. His responsibilities alsoinclude providing any and all domestic and international technical support for the distributor and outside salesforce for SEPCO. Seales has worked at SEPCO for more than 42 years and hasbeen the product manager of the mechanical seal division for 35 years. He is an honorarylifetime member of the United Who’s Who Registry of Executives and Professionals. Sealesmay be reached at
Mikal Hayes is an applications engineer for SEPCO and a member of the Processing Editorial Advisory Board. Hayes’ roles include designing, analyzing and testing new mechanical seals, bearing isolators and air seals — with a focus on product research and development. Hayes received his BSME from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).
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