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We’ve gathered some of the top pulp and paper news stories from December, including: industry trends to watch in 2022, an increase in printing-writing shipments, the impacts of the supply…

We’ve rounded up the top industry influencers of 2021 who kept us in the know in the first year post-COVID as industries adapted to the new manufacturing andindustrial landscape. Make…

What is the difference between coaching and mentoring? Why are they important, especially during the reliability journey? What are some of the benefits? Should I seek coaching and/or mentoring? These…

A screw conveyor moving gypsum experienced heavy leakage with severe housekeeping issues. Product waste plagued the plant. The gypsum producer installed an air seal. The result was zero leakage and…

The SEPCO team mourns the loss of Garry “Boss” Dodson who passed away on November 24, 2021. Garry left behind his amazing wife, Pamela Roberson Dodson, and his loving family….

A drywall facility had a problem with gypsum leakage from a screw conveyor. Gypsum, a soft mineral used in fertilizer, drywall, plaster, and blackboard or sidewalk chalk. Gypsum causes a…

In an effort to contribute to the spread of knowledge and advancement of industry, we’ve rounded up our top 10 fluid sealing and reliability articles published by trade magazines throughout…

The Tip of the Week newsletter from Seal Connect was first launched in April 2020 and continued through 2021 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. We enjoyed it so much that we’re…

SEPCO’s Atlantic Regional Manager, David Brewer, was featured on a recent episode of the Rooted in Reliability podcast where he discussed water conservation and sealing technology with the show’s host,…

It’s no secret that compression packing is ideal for many process applications. However, it may not be a favorite tool among plant teams . Why Don’t Professionals Like Working with…